"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"
Blossom and Heal Nutrition aims to help people improve and maintain their health and sense of wellbeing through diet and nutrition by recommending personalised dietary, supplement and lifestyle advise. The recommendations aim to help people adopt a cleaner way of eating that becomes part of their every day life.
I use a personalised approach that empowers clients to take an active role in their health by working within the Functional Medicine framework. Functional Medicine aims to address the underlying causes of health complaints as well as supporting the whole person and not just the presenting symptoms. It is a powerful model for assessment, support and prevention of chronic disease.
I never recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice and always refer any client with ‘red flag’ signs or symptoms to their medical professional. I also frequently work alongside a medical professional and will communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in the client’s care to explain any nutritional therapy programme that has been provided.
Often my work requires the interpretation of test results either from your general practitioner and/ or diagnostic tests which can be ordered through me. Many laboratories are offering functional tests to Nutritional Therapists and common tests I often recommend include:
Comprehensive stool analysis
Digestive function
Food allergies and intolerances
Toxic metals and chemicals
Nutritional status including: vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants and fats
Female hormone panels
Adrenal stress hormones
Genetic testing
The test results are helpful since they may explain any possible underlying causes to your health status as well as being very useful for preventative purposes and future health.
Conditions in which Nutritional Therapy can be helpful include (but not limited to):
Autoimmune disease
Chronic degenerative diseases
Digestive or bowel problems
Food intolerances
High cholesterol
Hormone imbalances
Joint pain
Low energy
Parasitic and fungal infections
Skin conditions
Weight problems
Please contact us for information and prices.